We Have the Experience You Need
Sheffield Law, LLC has represented clients in civil litigation in state and federal courts for more than 18 years. It’s simple actually, our goal in any civil litigation is that you win. Sometimes winning is going to trial and prevailing. Sometimes winning is reasonably resolving the matter to limit your expenses. In nearly 20 years of practicing law, we can tell you, no two civil litigation matters are exactly the same.
You need experienced legal counsel that can discover the strengths and weaknesses of your case and respond accordingly. Sheffield Law, LLC is the experienced representation you need. We have represented clients seeking damages in excess of a million dollars and we have defended clients sued for damages in excess of a million dollars. The “secret” to civil litigation is that you have aggressive representation that is willing to fight for your interest instead of just trying to get some billable hours. At Sheffield Law, LLC, we will always fight for your interest. Give us a call to set up a consultation on any civil matter you may be facing or considering and we will lay out the options available to you.